Printerë për shtëpi
Canon PIXMA E414
SpecifikimetPrint, Copy, Scan
- I lehtë për t'u zëvendësuar
- Ndizet kur filloni printimin
- Ink efficient cartridges
- Printim thuajse i heshtur në shtëpi
- Softuer i madh krijues
- Printimi intiligjent nga interneti
Specifikimet në detaje
Specifikime të përgjithshme
- Funksionet
Print, Copy, Scan
Specifikimet e printerit
- Rezolucioni i printimit
Up to 4800 ¹ x 600 dpi
- Teknologjia e printimit
2 FINE Cartridges (Black and Colour)
- Shpejtësia e Printimit Mono
Approx. 8.0 ipm ¹
- Shpejtësia e Printimit me Ngjyrë
Approx. 4.0 ipm ¹
- Printimi pa Bordura
Not available
- Printim nga të Dyja Anët
Manual operation
Fishekët e bojës dhe rendimentet
- Fishekët standardë të bojës
PG-46 (Black)
CL-56 (Colour)
- Rendimenti për fishek (letër e thjeshtë)
A4 colour documents printing ¹
Black: 400 pages
Colour: 300 pages
Mbështetja për letrën
- Llojet e letrës
Plain Paper
Photo Paper Plus Glossy II (PP-201)
Photo Paper Glossy "Everyday Use" (GP-501)
- Hyrja maksimale e letrës
Rear tray: Max. 60 sheets (pain paper)
- Madhësitë e letrës
Plain paper: A4, A5, B5, Letter, Legal
Photo paper: 10x15cm, 15x15cm, 13x18cm
Envelopes: DL, COM10
- Pesha e Letrës
Plain paper: 64 - 105 g/m²
Canon photo paper: up to 275 g/m²
Specifikimet e skanerit
- Lloji i skanerit
CIS flatbed photo and document scanner
- Shpejtësia e skanimit
Approx. 19 seconds ¹
- Rezolucioni i Skanerit (Optik)
600 x 1200 dpi ¹
- Thellësia e Skanimit (Hyrje / Dalje)
Colour: 48 bit / 24 bit
Greyscale: 16 bit / 8 bit
- Madhësia Maksimale e Dokumentit
216 x 297 mm
Specifikimet e fotokopjes
- Shpejtësia e kopjimit
sFCOT: Approx. 30 seconds ¹
sESAT: Approx. 1.8 ipm ²
- Kopjimi i shumëfishtë
21 copies (max.)
- Funksionet e Fotokopjimit
Document copying (plain paper)
- Lloji & Madhësia e ekranit
No display
- Ndërfaqe standarde
Hi-Speed USB (B Port)
- Sistemet e Operuese që mbështeten
Windows 10
Windows 8.1 (including Windows 8.1 Update), Windows 8
Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
Windows Vista SP2
Note: For Windows, .NET Framework 4.5.2 or 4.6 is required
Mac OS X v10.8.5 - OS X v10.11
- Kërkesat minimale për sistemin
Windows: 3.1GB disk space, Internet Explorer 8
Mac: Internet connection, 1.5GB disk space, Safari 5
Display: 1024 x 768 XGA
- Softueri i përfshirë
MP Driver including Scanning Utility
My Image Garden with Full HD Movie Print ¹
Quick Menu
Easy-WebPrint EX (download) ²
Karakteristikat fizike
- Pesha
Approx. 3.4 kg
- Përmasat (Gj x Th x L)
approx. 426 x 306 x 145 mm
- Energjia
AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz
- Konsumi i energjisë
Off: Approx. 0.4 W
Standby (connected to PC via USB): Approx. 1.0 W (scanning lamp off)
Standby (all ports connected): Approx. 1.0 W (scanning lamp off)
Time to enter Standby mode: 7 minutes
Copying: Approx. 9 W ¹
All specifications subject to change without notice.
Print speed may vary depending on system configuration, interface, software, document complexity, print mode, page coverage, type of paper used etc.
Ink yield may vary depending on texts/photos printed, applications software used, print mode and type of paper used. For yield information see
Scan speed may vary depending on system configuration, interface, software, scan mode settings and document size etc.
Copy speed may vary depending on document complexity, copy mode, page coverage, type of paper used etc. and does not take into account warming up time.
All brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
¹ Ink droplets can be placed with a minimum pitch of 1/4800 inch
¹ A4 document print speed on plain paper is measured based on average of ESAT in Office Category Test of ISO/IEC 24734 standard.
¹ A4 document print speed on plain paper is measured based on average of ESAT in Office Category Test of ISO/IEC 24734 standard.
¹ Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 24711 standard. Values obtained by continuous printing.
¹ Optical resolution is a measure of maximum hardware sampling resolution based on ISO 14473 standard. When scanning in high resolution, the maximum scan size is restricted.
¹ Color document scan speed is measured with ISO/IEC 29183 Target A. Scan speed indicates the time measured between pressing the scan button of the scanner driver and the on-screen status display turns off. Scan speed may vary depending on system configuration, interface, software, scan mode settings and document size etc.
¹ Colour document copy speed is measured based on average of sFCOT and sESAT in Performance Test of ISO/IEC 29183 standard.² Colour document copy speed is measured based on average of sFCOT and sESAT in Performance Test of ISO/IEC 29183 standard.
¹ Full HD Movie Print is available for MOV and MP4 movie files created by select Canon digital cameras and camcorders. Requires installation of software bundled with Canon video or digital camera, from which the movie was captured. MOV files require: ZoomBrowser EX / ImageBrowser (version 6.5 or later), MP4 files require: ImageBrowser EX (version 1.0 or later).² Easy-WebPrint EX requires Internet Explorer 8 or later
¹ When copying ISO/JIS-SCID N2 (printed by inkjet printer) on A4 size plain paper using default settings.